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Denbigh Mental Asylum probably doesn’t need any introduction, it is a well known abandoned mental asylum within Wales.

Getting a little bored this summer, we decided it would be quite fitting to drive around the UK on a country wide tour. We covered thousands of miles, hours worth of research and weeks of non-stop exploring, this tour has been a highlight of our exploring history. Not because of the amount of things to see because let’s face it, Denbigh Mental Asylum has been stripped clear of pretty much anything! It was a highlight because of the pure history and grandness of the buildings that remain.

Denbigh Mental Asylum

Visit Date: August 2016

Denbigh Mental Asylum is a Grade II listed building that started its life in 1848. It was once a small hospital that housed just 200 people however by the early 1900’s, it housed around 1500 patients and staff.

Designed by architect Thomas Fulijames to originally accommodate between 60 and 200 patients, the hospital originally had its own farm and gasworks. However, planned for closure during the 1960’s, it was closed in sections between 1991 and 1995.

You can see all of our images from this location within the gallery below. All of our images are available to purchase in both printed and digital format, for more information, please contact us.

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In November 2008, during work to renovate the building site and convert it to apartments, the building caught fire. It was later confirmed that the main hall of the hospital had been destroyed (pictured left).

Denbigh Mental Asylum is currently on the buildings at risk register leaving Denbighshire Council no choice but to carry out repairs on the building which reached a staggering cost of £939,000.00.

Despite talks of new planning permission being in place and the building having so much potential, nothing seems to be actually happening within the site.

Local Police have increased patrols which was noted during our visit but this doesn’t seem to have prevented the local youths from going onto the site to smash the very little remains up.

We spent several hours walking around this iconic exploring location without any issue. After climbing up to the highest point accessible however, it wasn’t long until the friendly constabulary intervened and we were ‘invited’ to leave.

All in all, Denbigh Mental Asylum didn’t let us down. This once grand building still continues to stand proud despite the significant damage it has suffered over the past years.

We hope that the local council will develop a plan to not only take control of the site but renovate it into something that will serve the community long term.


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