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This wonderful looking property was built in the 1800’s as a manor house and eventually became the only residential clinic for alcoholics within the Lincolnshire area.
Dr Mostafa Morsy, a specialist of addiction treatment, spent around £300,000 bringing the former Heckington Manor up to scratch and opening a successful private practice for the treatment of alcoholism in the late 1980’s.
In 2003, the government had drastically cut funding for this sort of treatment and Dr Morsy had no other option than to close the doors of his pride and joy. Since being disused, the property has been vandalised heavily and now sits waiting for a new owner.
The Doctors House…
Visit Date: April 2013
Exploring Ferdowse Clinic was quite peaceful and simple, despite it being pitch black inside! It was a shame to see the building in such a horrid state, especially given that it’s not exactly on public view. There is still hope for this once grand manor house though if work is able to begin soon.
It seems that this hope is doubtful however as the building remains on the market for around £900,000.
We visited Ferdowse Clinic with our good exploring friend, UE-
You can see all of our images from this location within the gallery below. All of our images are available to purchase in both printed and digital format, for more information, please contact us.
Walking around this former alcoholic rehabilitation centre was an eye opener. It is clear that since closure, squatters have been present due to the significant amount of needles that were present. There are beds set up that have clearly been used more recently than its closure.
Vandalism has hit this location quite hard, several windows have been smashed and items inside thrown, broken and disregarded.
The building itself however appears to be in quite good condition and doesn’t appear to be suffering from damp or the usual structural damages that we see all to often in these locations.
We’re not sure on how long the former Ferdowse Clinic will remain derelict or whether it will return to the former glory of a family home.
It will be disappointing to see such a grand iconic building left standing empty much longer and it is hoped that a buyer is found quickly that is willing to undertake the work required quickly to save such a historic and grand location.
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